
World Sepsis Awareness Day

calendar_todaySeptember 12, 2019

The NU 202 senior critical care students conducted a sepsis awareness campaign that lasted for a day in the institute. The students created posters using the updated sepsis guidelines and conducted an interactive session with GTNI students and faculty during break times. They presented a simulation to inform others about the importance of combating Sepsis and the risk of complicating it. Their main message was "stop sepsis - save lives!" Sepsis could be life threatening.

It is a condition that could happen to anyone and is caused by the body’s response to infection. Besides an infection, other symptoms include a change in mental health, a first (upper) number in a blood pressure reading that's less than or equal to 100 millimeters of mercury and finding your respiratory rate higher than or equal to 22 breaths a minute. If you develop signs and symptoms of sepsis after surgery or after being hospitalized, seek medical care immediately.

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